Self-Healing Concrete

Concrete is one of the most important materials used in construction. It’s strong and lasts a very long time. There are a few flaws to using concrete. One of the most common flaws is concrete tends to crack under pressure. Concrete can withstand compressive forces very well but not tensile forces.

Self-healing concrete is your everyday concrete mixed with a healing agent that works when bacteria embedded in the concrete convert nutrients into limestone. This basically means when subject to tensile forces, concrete can heal the cracks and last much longer.



Self-healing concrete has been under development since 2006 and full-scale outdoor testing started in 2011. You can start using self-healing concrete today to improve the overall quality of your projects.


Here is a list of projects completed using self-healing concrete:


  • Water basin Port of Rotterdam
  • Het Loo Palace
  • Gruninger Forum
  • Parking garage Apeldoorn